Saturday, February 6, 2010

Weekend Links!

Happy weekend everyone! Since I'm still sick, we don't have a lot going on this weekend, although I am going to attempt macarons tomorrow if I am feeling better. I'll photograph the process, and share how things go with you all sometime next week. Unless it's a disaster, of course.

And now the weekend links:

Anyone have $265 that you don't need? Because I need these shoes, and I've promised myself that I won't buy anymore shoes for a while. But if you buy them for me...

Creature Comforts has a lovely little Valentine freebie.

These Penguin postcards are amazing. Must have.

I'm sure you've seen the hilarious Regretsy. This post literally made me weep with laughter yesterday. Maybe it's all the cold medicine I'm on, but for some reason I just thought that was the funniest thing I had seen in a while.

If you haven't entered the giveaway I'm having, what are you waiting for?

And that's that. Have a fantastic weekend, and I will see you on Monday!

(Photo taken by me on the High Line in October.)

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