Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday Links!

Happy Wednesday! I'm doing Links a little early today, because I have so much going on this afternoon, and this evening I'm going to a party at John's office.

First of all, I want to give Ryan of This is Reverb a huge thank you! Yesterday I was the lucky winner of his giveaway, and won a copy of The Flavor Bible. I can't wait to get my hands on it; I am so excited!

Secondly, some more shameless self-promotion today. I will be holding a spring mini-session event in April in Central Park. There are only a few slots left, so if you're interested, please let me know!

And now, the links:

A Cup of Jo is holding a giveaway for a gorgeous pair of Leah Sakellarides earrings, so get over there and enter!

Creature Comforts is giving away either a Fuji Instax Mini Camera or an adorable SLR camera bag. While I love the camera, I would definitely go for the camera bag, but that's just me.

I love Design*Sponge's post about foodcraft!

This website made me laugh so much. Gorgeous photos with hilarious captions: Unhappy Hipsters.

And that's it for today. See you tomorrow!

(Photo taken by me in Riverside Park in February 2008.)

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