Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday Links!

Happy Monday! I am happy to say I am feeling much better. I got some much needed rest this weekend, and I think I have finally kicked my cold. I woke up today feeling fantastic and accomplished about a million things. I love feeling on top of everything. I'm sure it won't last, but it's nice.

And now, the links:

I know, I know, I know. I am always linking to A Practical Wedding, but I can't help it. The author - Meg - is amazing and always has an incredible dialogue on marriage going on over there. The latest: What a Wife Isn't (Part I).

Brooklyn Bride is giving away a free engagement session to one lucky couple!

Also on Brooklyn Bride, I am loving the details of this beautiful Brooklyn wedding. Love the combination of yellow and gray!

If you haven't yet seen Nonpareil Magazine, you are missing out. It's fantastic!

And that's that. Wow, that was really wedding-centric. I guess you can see where my head's been lately. I have been working on wedding details a little bit this weekend, and I put the finishing touches on our Save the Dates! Tomorrow definitely won't be so wedding-y.

(Taken by me in Kentucky last summer.)

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